Goiás » Hotels, Travel and Tourism

Goiânia: João Alves de Queiroz Viaduct
> João Alves de Queiroz Viaduct

The state of Goiás has an area of ​​340,000 square kilometres (slightly less than Venezuela) and is bounded by the states of Tocantins to the north, Bahia to the northeast, Mato Grosso to the west, Mato Grosso do Sul to the southwest and Minas Gerais to the east and south, including in its territory the Federal District.

The Portuguese settlers first arrived in the region known today as the state of Goiás almost a century after the discovery of Brazil: the occupation of the territory began with Catarina Silva and the expeditions of adventurers (bandeirantes) from São Paulo; among these, stood out Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, known as Anhanguera, which in the late 17th century crossed the area in search of deposits of precious metals.

The state of Goiás is located in the central Brazilian plateau, between plains, plateaus, depressions and valleys, with physical features of striking contrasts and singular beauty; the highest altitudes are located on the east and north, in Chapada dos Veadeiros (1784 metres), Serra dos Cristais (1250 metres) and Serra dos Pireneus (1395 metres); the lowest altitudes occur especially in the western region.

The climate is tropical semi-humid, with two well defined seasons: a rainy season from October to April and a dry season from May to September; the average temperature is 23 °C, rising in the west and north; the warmer temperatures occur between September and October and can reach 39 °C; the lowest occur between May and July, reaching 4 °C.

In Goiás, the tourists seeking especially the natural beauty, hot springs (Caldas Novas is the tenth most visited site in Brazil), sites not yet touched by man, caves and waterfalls, and historic cities as Pirenópolis and the City of Goiás; in Pirenópolis, there are two very popular traditional festivals: cavalhadas and the Festival of the Divine.

Among the tourist attractions, there are three museums in Goiânia, capital of the state (the Art Museum of Goiânia, the Professor Zoroastro Artiaga State Museum and the Memorial do Cerrado), and three locations declared by UNESCO as World Heritage sites: the Emas National Park, the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park and the historic center of City of Goiás.

The cuisine of Goiás is very diverse; its main dishes are peixe na telha (fish on the tile), suã (pork) with rice and rice with pequi (a fruit).

Municipalities: Abadia de Goiás, Abadiânia, Acreúna, Adelândia, Água Fria de Goiás, Água Limpa, Águas Lindas de Goiás, Alexânia, Aloândia, Alto Horizonte, Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Alvorada do Norte, Amaralina, Americano do Brasil, Amorinópolis, Anápolis, Anhanguera, Anicuns, Aparecida de Goiânia, Aparecida do Rio Doce, Aporé, Araçu, Aragarças, Aragoiânia, Araguapaz, Arenópolis, Aruanã, Aurilândia, Avelinópolis, Baliza, Barro Alto, Bela Vista de Goiás, Bom Jardim de Goiás, Bom Jesus de Goiás, Bonfinópolis, Bonópolis, Brazabrantes, Britânia, Buriti Alegre, Buriti de Goiás, Buritinópolis, Cabeceiras, Cachoeira Alta, Cachoeira de Goiás, Cachoeira Dourada, Caçu, Caiapônia, Caldas Novas, Caldazinha, Campestre de Goiás, Campinaçu, Campinorte, Campo Alegre de Goiás, Campo Limpo de Goiás, Campos Belos, Campos Verdes, Carmo do Rio Verde, Castelândia, Catalão, Caturaí, Cavalcante, Ceres, Cezarina, Chapadão do Céu, Cidade Ocidental, Cocalzinho de Goiás, Colinas do Sul, Córrego do Ouro, Corumbá de Goiás, Corumbaíba, Cristalina, Cristianópolis, Crixás, Cromínia, Cumari, Damianópolis, Damolândia, Davinópolis, Diorama, Divinópolis de Goiás, Doverlândia, Edealina, Edéia, Estrela do Norte, Faina, Fazenda Nova, Firminópolis, Flores de Goiás, Formosa, Formoso, Gameleira de Goiás, Goianápolis, Goiandira, Goianésia, Goiânia, Goianira, Goiás, Goiatuba, Gouvelândia, Guapó, Guaraíta, Guarani de Goiás, Guarinos, Heitoraí, Hidrolândia , Hidrolina, Iaciara, Inaciolândia, Indiara, Inhumas, Ipameri, Ipiranga de Goiás, Iporá, Israelândia, Itaberaí , Itaguari, Itaguaru, Itajá, Itapaci, Itapirapuã, Itapuranga, Itarumã, Itauçu, Itumbiara, Ivolândia, Jandaia , Jaraguá , Jataí, Jaupaci, Jesúpolis, Joviânia, Jussara, Lagoa Santa, Leopoldo de Bulhões, Luziânia, Mairipotaba, Mambaí, Mara Rosa, Marzagão, Matrinchã, Maurilândia, Mimoso de Goiás, Minaçu, Mineiros, Moiporá, Monte Alegre de Goiás, Montes Claros de Goiás, Montividiu, Montividiu do Norte, Morrinhos, Morro Agudo de Goiás, Mossâmedes, Mozarlândia, Mundo Novo, Mutunópolis, Nazário, Nerópolis, Niquelândia, Nova América, Nova Aurora, Nova Crixás, Nova Glória, Nova Iguaçu de Goiás, Nova Roma, Nova Veneza, Novo Brasil, Novo Gama, Novo Planalto, Orizona, Ouro Verde de Goiás, Ouvidor , Padre Bernardo, Palestina de Goiás, Palmeiras de Goiás, Palmelo, Palminópolis, Panamá, Paranaiguara, Paraúna, Perolândia, Petrolina de Goiás, Pilar de Goiás, Piracanjuba, Piranhas, Pirenópolis, Pires do Rio, Planaltina, Pontalina, Porangatu, Porteirão, Portelândia, Posse, Professor Jamil, Quirinópolis, Rialma, Rianápolis, Rio Quente, Rio Verde, Rubiataba, Sanclerlândia, Santa Bárbara de Goiás, Santa Cruz de Goiás, Santa Fé de Goiás, Santa Helena de Goiás, Santa Isabel, Santa Rita do Araguaia, Santa Rita do Novo Destino, Santa Rosa de Goiás, Santa Tereza de Goiás, Santa Terezinha de Goiás, Santo Antônio da Barra, Santo Antônio de Goiás, Santo Antônio do Descoberto, São Domingos, São Francisco de Goiás, São João da Paraúna, São João d´Aliança, São Luís de Montes Belos, São Luís do Norte, São Miguel do Araguaia, São Miguel do Passa-Quatro, São Patrício , São Simão, Senador Canedo, Serranópolis, Silvânia, Simolândia, Sítio d´Abadia, Taquaral de Goiás, Teresina de Goiás, Terezópolis de Goiás, Três Ranchos, Trindade, Trombas, Turvânia, Turvelândia, Uirapuru, Uruaçu, Uruana, Urutaí, Valparaíso de Goiás, Varjão, Vianópolis, Vicentinópolis, Vila Boa and Vila Propício.

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