Federal District » Hotels, Travel and Tourism
The Federal District is one of the 27 federal units of Brazil, and its boundaries coincide with the federal capital,
The capital, founded on April 21, 1960, was built in three years and ten months, following a project of President Juscelino Kubitschek to change the national capital from Rio de Janeiro to the center of the country.
The street layout follows a plan drafted by the architect Lucio Costa, and the architect Oscar Niemeyer designed the main public buildings in the city.
Brasília had been built in record time, the effective transfer of governmental infrastructure only occurred during the military governments, in the 1970s.
The Federal District has a population estimated at around 2.6 million inhabitants and is a semi-enclave of Goiás: only at the southeastern tip does it have a border with Minas Gerais.
Plains and high plateaus and rolling hills interspersed with cliffs characterize the landscape of the Federal District; in the north, the terrain is hilly, with deep valleys called
vãos, while in the south open valleys and some steep slopes are common; the altitude ranges around 1100 meters, with the highest point being Chapada Vendinha, at 1349 meters.
The climate is tropical, with a rainy and humid summer and a dry winter; the average annual temperature is about 20 °C, with historical records of 1.6 °C and 34.5 °C; the relative humidity is about 80%, but it can go down to 15% or less in the winter.